173d KIA List

Skysoldier Website's

46th PIO Detachment Keith Allen Campbell Memorial
Lt. Allen, D/4/503rd Tom Arneson
Jim Baskin Shel Canter
Don C. Hall Rev. Chuck Dean
Britt Small 4th Battalion
James E. Hicks Gary Kozdron
Gaspar Otero Bill Rasool
Mike Meyers John Scheller
Dean Shultis Gary Creech
Jim Simpson 61st AHC, LZ English
335th Aviation, The Cowboys Chapter 9 New England
Chapter 17 Midwest 1st/50th
Chapter 7 Florida 39th Scout Dog Platoon
1st/69th Armor Roger Bray
4th Battalion/ Chosen Company
75th Ranger Regiment 161 Battery
319th Pictures Charlie Snow
Battle of Slopes KIA's